How Not To Joke With Money Or Bad Advice For An Investor

Invest in stocks all your money; you can even borrow for such a thing.

Expert commentary. Before investing in stocks, set aside money for life and unexpected expenses: create an airbag, open a bank deposit, or buy low-risk bonds. Remember that investments are always risky, and you can make not only a lot but also lose everything. Invest the amount that you are internally willing to lose – alas, this is possible. Do not borrow money for investments either in a bank or from friends – you can never invest the last money. Before jumping into battle, study the theoretical part.

Don’t waste time managing your investment portfolio: hired a professional – and forgot.

Expert commentary. There is an opinion that if you decide to trade on the stock exchange, but are not ready to waste your energy and nerves, then you can simply trust the professionals and forget about everything in the world. But the trustee also needs to pay attention, at least at the beginning of your relationship. He must be aware of what your life needs and plans are in order to choose the optimal pattern of behavior in the financial market for you. And who said that all trustees are professionals in their field and decent people? The principle of “trust but verify” is appropriate here as well. But in order to check how trust management is carried out, you need knowledge that, alas, no one will acquire for you. So you still have to spend time.

When investing, forget about the peculiarities of your character and temperament

Expert commentary. When determining the tools that you will use, correlate them with your personality traits. Brokers joke: “If you buy bonds, you sleep well; if you buy stocks, you eat well.” There is some truth in this – sometimes stocks make the investor nervous. If you are too emotional and seriously worried about losses then trading with leverage and investing in stocks is not for you.There is a risk of making wrong decisions in a panic and aggravating financial losses and stress is bad for your health. Invest in risky instruments only if you are comfortable with losses and can act in cold blood.

Make as many deals as possible.

Expert commentary. Frequent transactions in the securities market can lead to the loss of your strength, energy, and even money. And do not forget about the broker’s commission, which will also have to be paid from each transaction. Speculative strategies do not always bring more income; in most cases, a passive investor earns more. However, there is a joke that the long-term investor is an unlucky speculator. The choice of the optimal strategy for you depends on many factors, including what knowledge and skills you have, so take this decision very carefully.